What is decolonization and why do we need to decolonize?. Challenge Academia; 2019-03-07
Salinas, Cecilia G. Challenges for and pathways to alternative sustainabilities. POLLEN Biennial Conference 2018. Political Ecology, the Green Economy, and Alternative Sustainabilities;
Salinas, Cecilia G. Identitetspolitikk i Landet uten Ondskap. Norsk Antropologisk årlig konferanse 2017.
Salinas, Cecilia G. Hva kan feltarbeid i et naturreservat i Nord-Argentina fortelle om mulighetene for dagens og fremtidens klimainnsats?. NAF Konferanse;
Ødegård, Ansgar; Salinas, Cecilia G. Being good versus appearing good – CSR within different approaches. EGOS
Salinas, Cecilia Guadalupe. «Elusive Appearances: Policy, politics and the State in the Argentinian northeastern province of Misiones. Latin America Research for a Troubled world.
Ødegård, Ansgar; Salinas, Cecilia G. “The matter of time when a Multinational Company meets a local community, UPM, and the hosting local community of Fray Bentos, Uruguay”. Latinamerican And European Meeting on Organization Studies.
Salinas, Cecilia G. The Art of Writing Feel-Thinking Anthropology. Anthropologies-in-the-making: Practices of collaborative field-building.
Smoking the forest: Tobacco production and forest conservation in Argentina. The Nordic Latin American Research Network Conference, NOLAN2013 Latin America: Challenging Frontiers, University of Oslo, Norway 2013.
They want to privatise our air. Mediators and Intermediaries, Mistranslations and Knowledge production in the UN-REDD process in Argentina. 2nd Nordic Conference for Development Research Conference: Knowing Development-Developing Knowledge? Espoo, Finland. 2013.
Enclosing People, Nature, and Capital: Nature Conservation in the Argentinean Northeast Province of Misiones and the UN- REDD Process. Conference Cultures of Biodiversity: Perceptions and Practices (CUBI); Norway. 2011
Salinas, Cecilia G. Enclosing People, Nature, and Capital: Nature Conservation in the Argentinean Northeast Province of Misiones and the UN-REDD Process. Cultures of Biodiversity: Perceptions and Practices (CUBI); 2011-10-12